Number of employees: ~1300
- Medical staff: ~100
- Non-medical (university degree): ~100
- Non-medical health professionals: ~800
- Administration, technical staff: ~300
Blood provision network: 23
- Regional centres: 5 (in Region’s capital)
- Local banks: 23 (in County’s capital)
Full-blood collection:
- Donation: ~42-43 / 1,000 inhabitants
- ~270,000 donors, ~420,000 units / year
- Donors’ female / male ratio: 40% / 60%
- First-time donors: 60,000 / year
- Excluded donors: 60,000 / year (14%)
Location of collection (% of total units):
- Mobile teams: 80%, centres: 20%
Screening tests for full-blood:
- Obligatory: HBsAg, a-HCV, a-HIV 1-2, syphilis
- Non-obligatory: a-HBc (first-time donors)
- Red blood cell: 5,000 – 10,000 units
Examinations for clinical transfusiology:
Blood components for transfusion (unit/year):
2012. 06. 13.