The HNBTS has three main missions BLOOD DONATION„GIVING IS GOOD”The Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (HNBTS) serves as the national centralized provider of blood component products to the hospital sector in Hungary and is responsible for strategic planning, management, training and advisory activities in health policy decision making for the field of preparative and clinical transfusiology. ORGAN COORDINATION OFFICE„TRANSPLANTS SAVE LIVES”The Organ Coordination Office (OCO) is responsible for all Hungarian organ and tissue procurement coordination from the cadaver donor report through the end of retrieval, in accordance with Governmental Decree 323/2006 (XII.23) by operating three levels of the transplant donor coordination network (national, regional and hospital coordinators). The HNBTS serves as contracting partner in the Eurotransplant preliminary cooperation agreement. HUNGARIAN STEM CELL DONOR REGISTRY„THE ONE AMONG MILLIONS”The Hungarian Stem Cell Donor Registry (HSCDR), the former Hungarian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, hosted by the HNBTS inks clinical care to worldwide stem cell networks of unrelated donor registries (BMDW and WMDA). The HSCDR is responsible for finding an unrelated donor for Hungarian patients who need stem cell transplantation, and offers donor search for international patients among the 6300 Hungarian registered volunteer stem cell donors. 2012. 06. 13.